import _ from 'lodash'
import INITIALIZE from './Initialize'
import ACTIVATION from './Activation'
* @class
* A Neuron is the base unit of the network. They are connected by a
* {@link Connection} It's purpose is to sum its inputs and compute an
* output. During training, a Neuron will adjust the weights of its outgoing
* [Connections]{@link Neuron.Connection} to other Neurons.
* Neurons are organized into [Layers]{@link Layer}
class Neuron {
* @param {object} [activation=ACTIVATION.tanh] - An object containing an
* activation function and its first derivative. Typically selected from
* {@link ACTIVATION}.
* @param {number} [learningRate=INITIALIZE.learningRate()] - The rate at
* which this Neuron should update its Connection weights during training.
* Usually a very small number (ie 0.01 - 0.5), experiment for optimal
* results.
constructor(activation = ACTIVATION.tanh,
learningRate = INITIALIZE.learningRate()) {
* Flag identifying this Neuron as a Bias Neuron. Bias Neurons are like
* regular Neurons, except they have no incoming Connections and always
* output 1.
* @type {boolean}
this.isBias = false
* A unique id beginning at 0 and incremented for every Neuron created.
* @type {number}
*/ = Neuron.count++
* An array of incoming Connections from other Neurons.
* @type {Array}
* @see Neuron.Connection
this.incoming = []
* An array of outgoing Connections to other Neurons.
* @type {Array}
* @see Neuron.Connection
this.outgoing = []
* The input value of the last activation.
* @type {number}
this.input = 0
* The output value of the last activation.
* @type {number}
this.output = 0
* @type {ACTIVATION.tanh|{func, prime}|*}
this.activation = activation
// learning = 0
this.learningRate = learningRate
* Activate this Neuron, setting the input value and computing the output.
* Input Neuron output values will always be equal to their input
* value. Bias Neurons always output 1. All other
* Neurons will squash their input value to derive their
* output.
* @param {number} [input] - If omitted the input value will be calculated
* from the outputs and weights of the Neurons connected to this Neuron.
* @returns {number}
activate(input) {
if (this.isBias) return this.output = 1
// set the input
if (!_.isUndefined(input)) {
this.input = input
} else {
this.input = _.sumBy(this.incoming, connection =>
// we don't need to add the bias neuron manually here.
// since the bias Neuron is connected like all other Neurons and it's
// output is always 1, the weight will be added by bias.output * weight.
connection.source.output * connection.weight)
// set the output
return this.output = this.isInput()
? this.input
: this.activation.func(this.input)
* Set this Neuron's `delta` value, or compute it if omitted.
* @param {number} [delta] - If omitted, the delta value will be calculated
* from the deltas and weights of the Neurons this Neuron is connected to.
* @returns {number}
backprop(delta) {
// input and bias neurons have no incoming connections to update
if (this.isInput() || this.isBias) return
// set deltas
if (!_.isUndefined(delta)) { = delta
} else { = _.sumBy(this.outgoing, ({ target, weight }) => {
return * weight *
* Calculate and accumulate Connection weight gradients.
* Does not update weights. Useful during batch/mini-batch training.
accumulateGradients() {
_.forEach(this.incoming, connection => connection.accumulate())
* Update Connection weights and reset their accumulated gradients.
updateWeights() {
_.forEach(this.incoming, connection => connection.update())
* Connect this Neuron to another Neuron.
* @param {Neuron} target - The Neuron to connect to.
* @param {number} weight - The strength of the connection.
connect(target, weight) {
// bias Neurons are not allowed to have incoming connections
if (target.isBias) return
const connection = new Neuron.Connection(this, target, weight)
* Determine if this Neuron is an input Neuron.
* @returns {boolean}
isInput() {
return !this.isBias && _.isEmpty(this.incoming)
* Determine if this Neuron is an output Neuron.
* @returns {boolean}
isOutput() {
return _.isEmpty(this.outgoing)
* A running total number of Neurons created. It is only used to generate
* unique ids for each Neuron. Creating a new Neuron increments the count but
* it is never decremented.
* @type {number}
Neuron.count = 0
* @class
* [Neurons]{@link Neuron} communication via Connections. Their weights
* determine the output of the network and are updated during training. The
* knowledge or ability of a network is represented in the weight matrix (all
* the weight values).
* @param {Neuron} source - The Neuron that will send its output to the
* `target` Neuron.
* @param {Neuron} target - The Neuron that will get its input from the
* `source` Neuron.
* @param {number} weight - The strength of the connection. Meaning, what
* ratio of the `source` Neuron's output is passed to the `target` Neuron's
* input.
* @see Neuron
Neuron.Connection = class Connection {
constructor(source, target, weight) {
* A reference to the Neuron at the start of this Connection.
* @type {Neuron}
this.source = source
* A reference to the Neuron at the end of this Connection.
* @type {Neuron}
*/ = target
* The weight is used as a multiplier for two purposes. First, for
* activation, when transferring the output of the `source` Neuron to
* the input of the `target` Neuron. Second, during training, calculating
* the total error delta.
* @type {number}
// We add one to initialize the weight value as if this connection were
// already part of the fan.
this.weight = weight || INITIALIZE.weight(target.incoming.length)
this.gradient = 0
* Calculate and accumulate `gradient`. Does not update `weight`.
accumulate() {
// delta this.output - target
const gradient = this.source.output *
this.gradient += gradient *
* Update `weight` and reset accumulated `gradient`.
update() {
// TODO support other weight update rules, like iRProp+
this.weight -= this.gradient
this.gradient = 0
export default Neuron