Anny on

Source: Network.js

import _ from 'lodash'
import ERROR from './Error'
import Layer from './Layer'
import { type } from './Util'

 * A Network contains [Layers]{@link Layer} of [Neurons]{@link Neuron}.
 * @example
 * // 2 inputs
 * // 1 output
 * const net = new Network([
 *   new Layer(2, ACTIVATION.tanh),
 *   new Layer(1, ACTIVATION.softmax)
 * ])
class Network {
   * Creates a Network of Layers consisting of Neurons. Each array element indicates a layer.
   * The first element represents the input Layer.
   * The last element represents the output Layer.
   * Each element in between represents a hidden Layer with n Neurons.
   * @param {Layer[]} layers - An array of Layers.
   * @param {function} [errorFn=ERROR.meanSquared] - The cost function to be minimized.
   * @constructor
   * @see Layer
   * @see Neuron
  constructor(layers, errorFn = ERROR.meanSquared) {
    if (!_.isArray(layers)) {
      throw new Error(`Network() \`layerSizes\` must be an array, not: ${type(layers)}`)

    if (_.isEmpty(layers) || !_.every(layers, layer => layer instanceof Layer)) {
      throw new Error('Network() every `layers` array element must be a Layer instance.')

     * The output values of the Neurons in the last layer.
     * This is identical to the Network's `outputLayer` output.
     * @type {Array}
    this.output = []

     * The result of the `errorFn`.
     * @type {Number}
    this.error = 0

     * The cost function.  The function used to calculate Network `error`.
     * In other words, to what degree was the Network's output wrong.
     * @type {function}
    this.errorFn = errorFn

     * An array of all Layers in the Network.  It is a single dimension array
     * containing the `inputLayer`, `hiddenLayers`, and the `outputLayer`.
     * @type {Layer}
    this.allLayers = [...layers]  // clone to prevent mutation
     * The first Layer of the Network.  This Layer receives input during
     * activation.
     * @type {Layer}
    this.inputLayer = _.head(this.allLayers)

     * An array of all layers between the `inputLayer` and `outputLayer`.
     * @type {Layer[]}
    this.hiddenLayers = _.slice(this.allLayers, 1, this.allLayers.length - 1)

     * The last Layer of the Network.  The output of this Layer is the
     * "prediction" the Network has made for some given input.
     * @type {Layer}
    this.outputLayer = _.last(this.allLayers)

    // connect layers
    _.forEach(this.allLayers, (layer, i) => {
      const next = this.allLayers[i + 1]
      if (next) layer.connect(next)

   * Activate the Network with a given set of `input` values.
   * @param {number[]} [inputs] - Values to activate the Network's input Neurons with.
   * @returns {number[]} output - The output values of each Neuron in the output Layer.
  activate(inputs) {
    _.invokeMap(this.hiddenLayers, 'activate')
    return this.output = this.outputLayer.activate()

   * Set Network `error` and output Layer `delta`s and propagate them backward
   * through the Network. The input Layer has no use for deltas, so it is skipped.
   * @param {number[]} [targetOutput] - The expected Network output vector.
  backprop(targetOutput) {
    this.error = this.errorFn(targetOutput, this.output)

    // TODO abstract into ERROR.meanSquared.partial once ERROR is refactored
    const delta =, (actVal, j) => actVal - targetOutput[j])


    for (let i = this.hiddenLayers.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {

   * Calculate and accumulate Neuron Connection weight gradients.
   * Does not update weights. Useful during batch/mini-batch training.
  accumulateGradients() {
    // NOTE can be parallel, Neuron ouputs and deltas are already set

    for (let i = this.hiddenLayers.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {

   * Update Neuron Connection weights and reset their accumulated gradients.
  updateWeights() {
    // NOTE can be parallel, Neuron outputs and deltas are already set

    for (let i = this.hiddenLayers.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {

export default Network